Tarot Astro Counselling Newsletter July 2016
July 12, 2016 astrol


Tarot Astro Counselling Newsletter July 2016

Rev. JENNE PERLSTEIN MB,BS (Medical Degree), BSW (Bachelor of Social Work) AASW (Aust Assoc Social Workers), Grad. OSIS (One Spirit Interfaith Seminary NY), Prof Member Tarot Guild of Australia; Cert Appl. Astrology; Cert 4 Training & Assessment, CMC- Celebrant.  Jenne offers more than just Tarot Readings or Astrological Charts. Rev. Jenne Perlstein  graduated from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, New York  in 2015, as an Interspiritual Minister bringing these insights and wisdom to her work with Tarot , Astrology and counselling.  to subscribe to my newsletter and Website updates, or go to the form below OR please unsubscribe below if you no longer want to receive this newsletter.

This is my  newsletter for July 2016, with an alert for an event this coming Saturday July 16th Melbourne ,where I am presenting a portion of the Tarot and Psychology Conference New York Workshop focussing on Tarot Spreads and strategies to assist the client in regard to Co- dependency and Obsession.

I am  Back from New York ( and Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Barbados, Grenada)  as Speaker at the Tarot and Psychology Readers Studio conference which was  on the 28th April 2016the first day of the Readers Studio conference, which is one of the largest Tarot conferences in the world. with Tarot, Psychology and Relationships as my topic. It was a deep and fulfilling experience to present at this conference. I received many positive comments from participants, and some of you were there! Thanks you for your support and feedback. People commented that they felt the spreads enabled them to understand their own relationships better, and offered skills and deepening with their work with clients. The self reflection and feedback from others was basically ‘less is more’ . I offered a large amount of information – enough for a book! . The latter I am planning to work on. It was a workshop that could have been less academic and more Tarot! Thus , it was an opportunity for me to refine and focus on the key points , in future, as well as some more focus on strategies for assisting people to move beyond their challenging relationship dynamics. For those of you who attended my presentation, PLEASE SEND ME YOUR COMMENTS, as I would like to capture those as Testimonials , if you are happy to do so , even anonymously. Thanks to those who already have!

As a follow up to this, I am presenting the Workshop at :

the Tarot Guild in Melbourne  Sat July 16th 2016 2pm in Blackburn , a portion of the Tarot and Psychology Conference New York Workshop focussing on Tarot Spreads and strategies to assist the client in regard to Co- dependency and Obsession.
and I am offering Tarot Classes in the North/West Melbourne Sept 6th 2016… see below.
Blessings Jenne

Cards for the workshop on Sat 16th July to see what learning would come from the experience for participants and myself.

I purchased the Wheel of Change Tarot Deck by Alexandra Genettii at the Readers Studio. This is a wonderful deck, with some cards having different meanings from the Rider Waite.

The cards I drew were – The Chariot, 10 Cups and Lovers. I would  see this as movement  and progress, connecting to family, past and present influence manifesting in a constructive way, integrating and aiding choices in romantic relationships! These relationships enabling clearer conscious choices.
Genettis’ interpretations are: the  Chariot bringing  fortune in relationship, but also seeing how your decisions and power connect to the well being of others creating future loss or gain.
The Ten of cups is multi-generational family influences, with repeated patterns and the need to take into account others feelings as parents and as children, a rather apt summary of the Workshop content. The lovers as Self and other with the connection between them being a part of what is meaningful for each; differentiating  what is part of you and what is outside.
These cards bode well for the learning experience of the workshop, with cards that are central to the content of it… action with responsibility, influence of family and emotions and distilling self from the other.I see this latter as crucial for not only the client , but the reader also. It also indicates a balance in what I present , allowing the group to contribute , to be sensitive to feelings and be conscious of the relationship between facilitator and audience members.
What do you think?

The following is an article I wrote ,published in the Readers Studio Tarot School newsletter in June 2016.
RELATIONSHIPS – THE THORNY QUESTIONWhat if a client can’t find love? 

Often clients come asking this question, or it emerges during the Tarot consultation. While there are many reasons why someone can’t find love, some of the most common ones are related to early childhood experiences. Most parents do their best at the parenting process. But clients will sometimes say ‘I had a good upbringing,’ then tell you about significant early difficulties of a psychological/emotional nature. For example, a recent client told me her family rarely went out, she wasn’t allowed the usual childhood experiences like riding a bike, and she had to ‘tip toe’ around her mother so as not to upset her – the pseudo parnet role, mentioned further.
Parents often replay the patterns of parenting that they experienced as children, ( complex Trauma of Childhood) or as a consequence of other events/traumas in their lives such as war, Holocaust, economic hardship, etc.
Formative Relationships.
When questions of love come up in a reading, I may ask about the client’s family of origin, specifically their relationship with their mother, father and siblings, and about the relationship between their parents.
The first few years of life, from birth to three years of age, are crucial for attachment and the development and imprint of emotional experiences in the brain. The client will often say they can’t remember details from that
period of their lives, but you might be able to extrapolate from how they experienced their parents during that period.Ask questions such as: 
• If you were upset could you go to your parents for support?
• Could you talk to your parents about what was troubling
you? Could you express anger? Could you cuddle with them?
• Did you have to be the ‘parent’ for your parents or their ‘pseudo’ spouse? ie put their needs first; look after other family members; be your parents’ friend’?
• What happened if you were naughty?

Often these experiences emerge during the process of the consultation, with just some prompts.
Here’s another question to ask:
• What number sibling position are you in the family?
Youngest are sometimes ignored or given too much attention,the middle child could feel lost and sandwiched between the others. The eldest is often the more ‘parent-identified’, overly responsible child, sometimes taking care of the younger ones or the parent(s) themselves. That care maybe emotional /psychological and subtle, where the child’s needs were secondary and the parent’s needs came first. While I can’t go into all the possibilities here, themes like these often emerge and give clues to the client’s relationship issues.
How Tarot Can Help
With a sense of some of the theory, a Tarot spread can be useful in adding clarity and detail. Use a 3-card triangle spread of the client plus two parental figures or caretakers. (Even if one of the parents is absent, they still play a role.)

Parent 1   Parent 2


Have the client shuffle and draw a card for each position.You may decide to use Major Arcana only. Interpret with a view to 1. Exploring the relationship between the parents and 2. The relationship of each to the child.Given the original information gleaned from the client, further information may come out as you interpret with your usual tarot skills. For example, wands for mother might indicate a fiery, passionate, self-involved mother.If the father is pentacles/earth, maybe there was some lack of understanding, a focus on practical/financial matters, or dominance of the mother over the father.Use the client’s impression of the cards to aid the interpretation. You might also look at whether or not the figures are facing each other. Bring your skills and your style as a reader to the interpretation.The relationship between parents is crucial, as this is the model to the child of what intimacy is about. If it is a poor parental ‘marriage,’ the child may conclude that “If this is love/intimacy, then I don’t want it!”.Thus we begin to answer the original question and get a sense of what is going on for the client. Often this is unconscious and new to them, but some have awareness of these issues and can integrate these insights with the reader’s help.
Inner Child Work
Inner child work is another area to explore. It is possible to answer the question, “What does your inner child need to enable openness to a relationship?” with a simple, non-positional 3-card spread, that focuses on needs and action to be taken.Insights drawn from the cards in this simple standard reading may enable a client to cast some light on the connection between their family of origin and their adult relationships, and why finding a partner seems elusive. By getting in touch with their inner child, they may recognize subtle patterns of relationships like avoidance by choosing impossible partners, or by choosing avoidant types who can’t commit, when they tend to be anxious and insecurely attached themselves. Attention to the inner child can enable self-love and attention to needs that the inner nurturing parent can address, thus lessening the pressure to have those needs met by another. A healthy relationship can ‘top up’ our emotional and intimacy needs.  As a Tarot reader, you may be able to offer some ‘predictive’ possibilities as well, but this insight-based approach can give clarity and direction for the client, and lead to an overall deepening of the reading.

Courses : 

 My courses are still available via : Global Spiritual Studies :’ .Counselling & Mental Health and Tarot & Astrology';  ‘Secret Ingredients for  Relationship Readings’, and ‘Difficult Clients’. You can get them as DVD or online, as well as  Skype input from me. (* extra cost).

Tarot Teaching – Classes  starting September Tuesday 6th 2016 in East Brunswick 6;30 pm. $60 per class or $350 for 8 weeks.

–  Inner North & West Melbourne  and ‘One to  One’ IN PERSON   OR VIA Skype. Please get in touch if interested.


My Tarot and Astrology combined with psycho- spiritual counselling consultancy, continues to have amazing interactions with clients, where I feel privileged that they open up to the process of exploring their issues, their unconscious and life’s meaning. Many are dealing with relationships, and the long term outcomes of difficult upbringings. Some want to keep  to Tarot directly , and that I cater for. I am there to be client centred. I graduated from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in June 2015 as an Interspiritual Minister embracing all faiths and paths including humanism. It was rich course and focused on the Divine within us , the Divine between us and all creation, experiencing the Mystic Heart of all spiritual and religious paths, becoming more our true Selves.  Tarot and Astrology are a divinatory way of accessing this energy through symbol and myth. I often mix spiritual counselling with Tarot and Astrology and the other way around too! Recent clients have ranged from a person having left a strict fundamentalist religion , through to aiding a client and her children to leave her violent husband and general  counselling about an unfaithful partner  and grief over a pet.

I am increasingly seeing that Tarot and Astrology are just one of the tools I access in my overall PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL counselling and consulting, wherein sessions may include Tarot , but also move into family of origin and relationship issues, and into spiritual meaning and direction.The cards or chart are often an entry point to the internal issues, as well the very real external ones. I love this way of working, and especially as it responding to the particular clients needs at the time… neither of us are ‘stuck’ in a particular way of doing things…..sometimes it is just talking, or it maybe meditation, or asking the client their response to a card….

For my Consultations you can access me via Skype for easier access if you are international, interstate or its easier to do it that way!  as well as face to face appointments ,and you can pay by  PAY PAL buttons on my site: .

‘Awareness Counselling’. 

Offering counselling, practical Social Work perspectives through to relationship, and psycho- spiritual modalities.


I offer Supervision to Tarot readers/Astrologers needing input around Clients –  Relationships, Mental health issues, Personality disorders, Substance abuse, Difficult Clients, Family Violence etc. or Tarot- Client work generally.

Other News

Two Tarot gatherings coming up in Australia 2017… Look out for the developing programs, with International  guests and maybe? ‘ En Shallah’ myself!

  • Port Stephens NSW Australia 12-14 May, 2017 The Retreat Port Stephens, Anna Bay, NSW, 2316 TarOz 2017
  • Sydney Australia October 25- 29TH 2017 TUTU ‘Tarot Unites the Universe’ Gathering  

Blessings Jenne   or the form below, to subscribe to my newsletter and Website updates.


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